Voice Platform - Dynamic Caller-ID


Note: This feature is available in our Personal plan.


Dynamic Caller ID allows you to set unique rulesthat modify the caller ID display based on the outgoing phone number called. You can set rules that match a feature code, area code(s), or a more advanced set of variables using Regular Expression algorithm. Once set, each outgoing call that matches the pattern will display the designated caller ID.


  • Make sure you have an inventory of phone numbers you can use for these settings. Note you
    must own the number you use in order for the Caller ID setting to be active.

  • List of Caller ID rules and phone #s you want to use.

  • List of Feature Codes already activated in Smart PBX (e.g. *72 to enable call forwarding) so your
    new codes don’t conflict. Dynamic Caller ID expects 3-digit codes.

How-to Steps:

Follow these steps to create and manage:

  1. From the Voice Apps window, choose Dynamic Caller-ID

  2. Choose "Create a Rule"

  3. Enter a name to define the rule.

  4. Select a number from your list of available numbers to show as the “virtual ID”

  5. Define details of the rule, and when to trigger its use. Options are
    - Match by feature code – 3-digit feature codes are recommended
    - Match by area code
    - Use Regular Expression (RegEx). This is a customized coding option for advanced users to capture a sequence of characters or numbers (for example including multiple Area Codes) using a RegEx algorithm supplied by you. The simulator button will test the RegEx.

  6. Review, Edit, and Save your Rule

You will see a listing of your rules at your landing page, where you can turn it on or off, edit, or delete each rule individually.