Voice Platform - Smart PBX - Virtual Receptionist



This guide will show you how to setup the Virtual Receptionist (Auto Attendent, IVR, Menu) within the Smart PBX app.

  1. Login to Platform (http://manage.hostedphone.co/)

  2. Once logged in, locate the Apps at the top right of the page

  3. Click on the Smart PBX App

  4. Click on Main Number on the left side of the page

  5. Click on the Incoming Call Handling option

  6. Select one of the Virtual Receptionist links

  7. Click on the Add Route option

  8. Select options 0-9 and * from the Press drop-down

  9. Click where to route the call to
    (This menu displays (Directory, Users, Devices, Media, Groups Callflows, and Voicemails)

  10. Complete the Menu options, then Look at the Greetings

  11. Click on how you want to add your greeting
    (Directions for each option will show, allowing you to configure the menu)

  12. Press the green Save button, and the Virtual Receptionist is created.