Voice Platform - Smart PBX - Users - Hot Desking


This guide explains Hot-Desking and how to activate it within the Smart PBX app. Hot-Desking allows users to mascarade as different devices from 1 phone using a feature code and Hot Desk ID number.

Example uses for Hot-Desking include: Multiple employees using 1 phone at different times during the day, different employees assuming reception responsibilities, unassigned desks where employees play musical chairs, or running multiple entities from a single device.

  1. Login to Platform (http://manage.hostedphone.co/)

  2. Once logged in, locate the Apps at the top Right of the page

  3. Click on the Smart PBX App

  4. Click on the Users tab to the left of the page

  5. Click on User Features of the user you want to setup the Hot-Desking feature for

  6. Click on the Hot-Desking

  7. Press the switch to Enable Hot-Desking

  8. Enter a Hotdesk ID (Must Be Unique)

    8a. For extra security you can assign the Hot-Desk a pin number but this is not required
    8b. Checking the Allow login at multiple devices allows multiple logins for employees

  9. Press Save Changes and Hot-Desking will be enabled

    Now, simply dial the feature code *11, enter in the Hot-Desk ID (and PIN).  To log-out dial *12.