Using Page Groups for intercom-like notifications


Instead of directing calls to multiple users or devices like Ring Groups, Page Groups allow you to make announcements directly to a user’s phone.  This feature would allow you to mention to shoppers that someone’s left their lights on in the parking lot, or that your sales team just closed a big deal.  Here’s how to set up a Page Group:

  • First, create a new Callflow and assign a number or extension that will be dialed to initiate the page.

  • Next, drag and drop the Page Group element onto the Callflow, name your new Page Group, and add the users, devices, or group you’d like to be paged.

    Screen Shot 2014-10-10 at 2.32.42 PM

  • Finally, select Save Changes and that’s it! :)

For more help with Callflow features and settings, click here.