How to add and managing Ring Groups


Ring Groups manage incoming calls by ringing multiple phones at once, including off-network phones in groups, ring hunting and more. Managing this feature requires you to login to the My Admin side of your Hosted Phone server.

Ring Groups get there own extension number to make it easy to route calls to a group or department. To add and manage a Ring Group, follow the instructions below.

Add a new Ring Group:

  • From the top navigation, click Applications, and choose Ring Groups

  • On the top right corner, click Add Ring Group. Follow the managing option to setup your Ring Group

Managing a Ring Group:

  • Group Description: Name or note for group

  • Ring Strategy:
    Ring All: Ring all available channels until one answers (default)
    Hunt: Take turns ringing each available extension.
    Memory Hunt: Ring first extension in the list, then ring the following in order on list.
    First Available: Ring only the first available extension
    First Not on Phone: Ring only the first available extension, and ignore call waiting.
    (Advanced) *-prim: These modes act as described above. If the primary extension (based on order in list) is busy, other extensions will not ring. If the primary is DND, it will not ring.

  • Ring Time: Number of seconds to ring. (Up to 300 seconds)

  • Extension List: Which extensions to include in group. (Include off-network numbers as 19495551212#)

  • Announcement: Recording to play before activating ringing

  • Play Music On Hold: Choose a Music on Hold or Ringing

  • CID Name Prefix: Add text to Caller-ID name

  • Alert Info: (Advanced)

  • Ignore CF Settings: Choose to ignore Call Forwarding for extention

  • Skip Busy Agent: Do not ring extensions busy or on the phone

  • Enable Call Pickup: (Advanced)

  • Confirm Calls: For off-network calls, require key to be pressed to answer. This prevents voicemail for an off-netowrk call from answering the call.

  • Remote Announce: Recording to play when answered by off-network phone

  • Too-Late Announce: Recording to play when call is answered for ringing beyond Ring Time

  • Change External CID Configuration: (Advanced)

  • Mode: (Advanced)

  • Fixed CID Value: (Advanced)

  • Call Recording: (Advanced)

  • Destination if no answer: After Ring Time is exhausted, connect call to where…