Voice Platform - Callflows - Time of Day


This guide will teach you how to use the Time of Day within the Callflows App

  1. Login to Platform (http://manage.hostedphone.co/)

  2. Once logged in, select Apps at the top right of the page

  3. Click on the Callflows App

  4. Click on the Time of Day block

  5. Press on the +Add button

  6. Fill out the Field to Create your Schedule

  • Name

  • Repeats - Weekly, Monthly, Yearly

  • Every (1) - To repeat the schedule forever, select 1 week

  • On (Sun-Sat)

  • Start Date - Select the day the schedule starts

  • Time - Set your open to close hours

7. Press the green Save button to apply your schedule

8. Press the Return to Callflows Home button

9. Click on Callflows

10.Under the Actions menu click on the Time of Day section

11. Drag the Time of Day Action to the Callflow

12. Select a Timezone

13. Drag and drop any action onto the Time of Day

14. Select the Time of Day you've already for the action to be utilized during the Time of Day you've created

15. Now add actions for All other times or "after hours"

16. Save changes and the setup is complete!