Voice Platform - Smart PBX - User Portal


This will guide you on how to check voicemail, call history, Quickcall, and more!

  1. Login to Platform (http://manage.hostedphone.co/)

  2. Users will login using the credentials Emailed or created for them

    • Username: Email Address

    • Password: Auto Assigned Password

    • Account Name: Company Name

  3. Select the Apps menu at the top right of the page

  4. Click on the User Portal app

  5. Click the Voicemails Section of the User Portal


    to play back a voicemail or 

    to download it.

     6.  Click the Call History tab to view your call history

     7.  Click Faxes to view sent/received Fax Box messages


to download Faxes

      8.  Click Contact List to Quickcall other devices, groups, or users in your Hosted Platform system

          Choose and registered device to Quickcall from, and click a contact or enter a number/extension to             dial directly from the User Portal

       9.  Click Settings & Devices to view registered devices, set VM to email notifications, and Call                         Forwarding