Voice Platform - Smart PBX - Users - Setup / Change Voicemail Pin's


This guide will teach you how to create, change and assign Voicemail boxes to users.

Voicemail Boxes are automatically created for users that are setup in Smart PBX, to see the guide for creating users Click Here

Voicemail Boxes setup during Personal Setup will have a default voicemail password (0+extension number)

  1. Login to Platform (http://manage.hostedphone.co/)

  2. Once logged in, click Apps at the top right of the page

  3. Select on Smart PBX in the Apps Menu.

  4. Click on the Voicemail Boxes tab, on the left side of the screen

  5. To create a New Voicemail box, Click the +Add Voicemail Box option

  6. Enter a Name, Voicemail Number (typically the same as extension), and PIN

  7. Click Create new Voicemail Box

  • To Assign a PIN to an existing mailbox by clicking the Edit Button

    New Users will need to have PIN numbers assigned to them if you are not using the Voicemail to Email feature

  •  Enter Pin number and click Save Changes